
Ton Miles Calculator 32 Bit
0 reviews

Includes; wiper trip, round trip, Cored, Drilled and calculations for horizontal and extended reach wells Calculated ton miles for drag though horizontal wells also ton miles for short trips The program is designed with many safety factor options plus drilling line cost per foot analysis

Tubing Tally 32 Bit
0 reviews

Not just another simple tally spreadshee Tubing Tally is complete with BHA add in, KB Correction Includes a well bore completion schematic to produce professional well completion sketches

Tubular Database 32 Bit
0 reviews

Includes a database of 4138 different joints of Casing and Tubing The database includes pipe sizes from 48" to 1.05" Includes a casing pressure test complete with visual chart to give a quick visual indication of any casing leaks

Well Path 32 Bit
0 reviews

A directional drilling program along with a planned well path trajectory You have the option of importing a survey for the Directional Drilled Section The data from Well Path can also be exported and used to import data to the Casing Design program

Well Control 32 Bit
0 reviews

All the standard industry well control methods. Drillers method, Wait and weight, Stripping in, Concurrent method, Volumetric method Choke and Kill Line friction pressure. BOP closing times and accumulator volumes Virtical or horizontal, Onshore Offshore

Workover Office 32 Bit

Includes Over 1000 Hi-Resolution Tools and Graphics to use in your well bore schematic This is the first and most comprehensive Workover office program in the oil patch One click select a tool and drops it into your well bore schematic plus much more
