P2 Beyond Compliance

P2 Energy Solutions has been developing software that helps your entire organization be more productive and address regulations, chartered to make the workplace safer, for more than 20 years. That’s great, but what matters to you are the tools you need to perform job safety assessments, breeze through inspections, smoothly manage changes, and report or audit an incident with accuracy and confidence.

Out of the Box & Highly Configurable

Deployment and periodical updating of the enterprise is a major pain, sucking up both time and money. By taking your environmental, health, and safety solution to the cloud, all of that is done for you and easily available to your entire organization. Hit the ground running while you tweak, tinker, and tailor every aspect of Beyond Compliance to your company’s specific needs.

Automated Task Management

Managing tasks in spreadsheets is the equivalent of doing calculus on an abacus. Step into the 21st century and learn why automated task management is a must-have for any environmental, health, and safety department. Tasks no longer fall through the cracks, meaning that your department and your whole company can now sleep soundly every night.

Dashboards, Ad-hoc & Scheduled Reports

Information is key to understanding your business, but turning raw data into actionable information is generally a task of monumental proportions. Manual dataentry errors, disparate sources, and rigid reporting tools keep business from acting on critical information in a timely fashion. Beyond Compliance provides all your environmental, health and safety data to you, no matter where you are, in clear graphs that update in real time.

Globally Accessible Cloud-Based Application

Unify your organization's environment, health, safety, and quality efforts in a single platform that operators across the globe can access, whether they are on site or in the back office. No more messy spreadsheets and absolutely no more having to comb though and consolidate multiple spreadsheet workbooks into a master file. Focus on what you can do to help your company improve its health, safety, and enviormental performance record, not on pushing papers.

An EH&S System for the 21st Century

Eliminate paperwork, human error, double entry, manual record keeping, and overall laborious redundancies. Maybe you don’t believe this is possible. Maybe you’ve heard this all before. Maybe someone else is saying the exact same thing. Let us show you the value of Beyond Compliance via a live demo and how easy we can make your life and how much money we are going to save your company. You’ll never sweat regulatory exposure again after we move your company to Beyond Compliance.

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