
SmartProtect is Interica’s new data discovery, analysis and protection solution developed specifically for independent Oil and Gas companies. Designed to manage application based projects, seismic volumes and unstructured content; it enables users to take control of their technical data landscapes in a much more efficient and automated way.

The solution provides users with the tools to:

  • Protect datasets for long term compliance and knowledge retention through intelligent archiving
  • Resolve issues with data quality
  • Create a more efficient working environment for geoscientists

SmartProtect provides Oil and Gas companies with easy to use functionality that allows them to leverage a number business benefits including:


Discover all of your application project data in one view, make better decisions and protect business critical datasets.


Increase team and individual productivity through working with cleaner, smaller and well defined datasets.


Reduce risk and ensure your data is protected at key lifecycle decision points.


Save costs associated with the online storage of data, eliminate duplicated datasets, utilise innovative cloud storage solutions.

Knowledge Retention

Capture the IP of the company in a single secure location for future use.

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