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Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) and Vacuum Enhanced Recovery with Bioventing

BioSVE incorporates soil vapor extraction (SVE), vacuum enhanced recovery (bioventing) and biodegradation into one easy-to-use screening model. BioSVE is a user-friendly screeing tool which allows site evaluation with limited sampling events. Vacuum Enhanced Recovery (bioslurping), coupled with biodegradation, is a popular cleanup technology, and BioSVE takes advantage of this industry trend with useful tools for hydrocarbon contaminant sites. A typical hydrocarbon spill/leak may contain from 20 to more than 100 components, and BioSVE can model recovery and degradation of up to 250 components. BioSVE allows for modeling of contaminants partitioned among water, vapor, free hydrocarbon and solid phases. This gives the user power to develop remediation strategies for free product recovery, soil vacuum extraction, natural or engineered biodegradation.

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