Sensitivity Runs, Analysis, and Screening

With the multiRuns plug-in, studioSL offers a unique solution for reservoir engineers and geoscientists to easily work with an ensemble of models. This workflow is ideally suited to the multiple simulations required for sensitivity analysis, screening, and assisted history matching, where global parameters such as PVT, relperms, and grid permeability multipliers are modified. The basic workflow is to have studioSL create multiple input files automatically, based on the parameters you would like to change. Each input file is then automatically run by the simulator and then results are displayed through various plots. Overview of the workflow to screen an ensemble of geomodels for the purpose of extracting a representative subset. The subset is created by first clustering the responses of all the models, then extracting only the centroid model of each cluster. In this manner the group of geomodels has been reduced to a more workable size but still preserves the diversity in flow reponse of the original ensemble.
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