Shift fault interpretation and extract seismic amplitude
An included workflow creates surfaces from fault interpretation, that can interactively be moved forwards and backwards, and displayed with amplitudes extracted from seismic volumes. This allows the user to easily design well paths in time domain that run parallel the original fault and remain at a specific safe drilling distance from the fault.
Plug-in Overview
This plug-in enables users to design a well trajectory in time domain using three different modes:
A variety of time domain relation can be applied including as average velocity, near well checkshot or polynomial function. Tools are also included to shift fault interpretation laterally, display seismic amplitudes on shifted fault, and rotate/translate polygons.
In interactive mode, a well trajectory will be calculated with limits of DLS and maximum inclination. Using the best fit method, well head locations, and point sets/polygons (drilling targets) will additionally restrict the calculation area. Finally, in optimized method, all possible well paths will be calculated and saved. Different time depth relationships can be applied for calculations.