wellSim™ hiDRILL™
wellSim™ hiDRILL™ is the real-time simulator for collaborative team training at all levels. It comprises the hiDRILL™ VR (Virtual Reality) top-side rig floor simulator dynamically coupled to the wellSim™ downhole simulator, providing a simulator with unprecedented realism and capability. The simulator responses provides real feedback all the way back on all driller’s chair instrumentation. In its generic form, it provides a collaborative drilling team training system, featuring high-fidelity feedback from the well, responding in real time on the interaction from the drilling team. This gives the whole crew unparalleled insight and understanding of well behavior at various conditions and control input, which would otherwise require years of operational experience. Configured with a specific well, wellSim™ hiDRILL™ provides a platform to ensure safe, effective and efficient well delivery for any planned well by acquiring skills and experience on the specific well. Multi-disciplinary teams can study the dynamic well behavior for details of the plan, and verify that plans and procedures are optimal and safe. The risk elements can be pre-run in the simulator, and the teams can train on potential malfunctions occurring during critical operations. wellSim™ hiDRILL™ combines the eDrilling wellSim™ down hole drilling simulator with the OILTEC Solutions hiDRILL top side drilling equipment simulator. BENEFITS
- Builds performance teams prior to operation
- Reduce NPT by better planning decision support and risk management
- Decision support: Move problems in operation to simulator to explore alternatives
- Manage risk in planning
- Unparalleled insight and understanding of well behavior
- Enables team training to deal with downhole optimization (drilling parameters for optimum performance and safety, to avoid problems, etc.)
- Enables team training to deal with downhole problem solving (interactive scenario simulations and decision support, testing technical limits, verifying procedures, etc.)
- Realistic well training for engineers
- Drilling console replica (drilling chairs, VR drill floor, BOP/Choke panel, CCTV, radio/intercom)
- Prepared for VR theaters
- Interactive ROP model
- Coupled Flow and Torque/Drag model
- 3D Visualization with risk/info messages, proximity wells, formations, etc.
- Interactive user input/control (Drilling Control)
- Malfunctions, kicks and losses in scenarios
- Separate instructor terminal to pace and stress the exercises
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