Bridge The Gaps Between Core Data And Field Scale Model SBED™ technology models the small-scale sedimentary details that impact large scale reservoir performance. Unlike conventional reservoir-scale modeling software, SBED utilizes geological processes to upscale core plug measurements to full field models. SBED models therefore address reservoir heterogeneity observed at both core and outcrop scale. Determine the vertical to horizontal permeability ratio (Kv/Kh) in heterolithic reservoirs Perform high-resolution facies modelling, then flow-based upscaling to estimate facies dependent Kv/Kh. Predict the spatial variation of the vertical to horizontal permeability ratio (Kv/Kh) throughout the reservoir An innovative workflow of near-wellbore modeling and upscaling to bridge the gaps between core data, well logs, and static reservoir models Determine realistic relative permeability curves to improve the accuracy of production history matches and reserve estimates. Multi-phase upscaling workflow for each facies in the production simulation grid. The most innovative system available on the market, SBED™ technology is an integrated system that models the small-scale sedimentary details that impact large scale reservoir performance