Reservoir geomechanics using the Material Point Method (MPM) to model interaction between hydraulic and natural fractures, predict differential stress and strain validated with microseismicity. Includes elastic and poroelastic modeling for modeling well interferences.
FracGeo advanced geomechanical technology is based on the Material Point Method (MPM) and is able to simulate 1) the initial heterogeneous reservoir stress magnitude and orientation resulting from the interaction between regional stress and natural fractures, and 2) the interaction between hydraulic fractures and natural fractures during stimulation. This unique technology opens new doors to derive a better understanding of the frac stage performance. This provides the ability to create completion optimization workflows. Unlike other geomechanical tools, GMXPredictor’s simulated strain predicts the main features of the microseismicity--confirming the validity of the input data (continuous natural fracture models) and the continuum mechanics approach used to simulate the interaction between the hydraulic and natural fractures responsible for the shearing observed in the microseismicity