A truly geological interpretation of seismic data. Reliable and proven, Paradigm® Stratimagic® enhances the qualitative and quantitative assessment of a reservoir through seismic facies analysis. It is the leading commercial solution and de facto market standard for facies analysis of 2D and 3D seismic data. Stratimagic can work on combinations of attributes for single/multiple seismic volumes and 2D surveys. The solution also includes a set of interpretation tools that speeds stratigraphic interpretation of 2D and 3D seismic data and correctly distinguishes stratigraphic features. Stratimagic then provides the resulting seismic facies map to the SKUA reservoir modeling system to constrain the geological facies modeling. Stratimagic features include:
- Use of Total’s neural network technology (NNT) to produce consistent results that are easy to interpret. The use of the Kohonen self-organizing map (SOM) method screens out noise and identifies representative models in diverse intervals.
- Supervised or unsupervised classification
- An easy-to-learn, intuitive, drag-and-drop user interface that integrates with all Paradigm interpretation solutions and shares project data
- Constrained clustering: The user can replace one or more trace in the neuron set and update the remaining traces
- Batch processing
- Attribute maps that can be computed for any given surface or interval
- Facies map smoothing and block smoothing to remove noise and random anomalies from the facies process
- Connection to third-party databases to access seismic, interpretation and well data and then output classification results where supported
- Epos-based and standalone
MULTIPLE CLASSIFICATION METHODS Stratimagic includes many classification methods: Hybrid, data-constrained, supervised, multi-volume, and multi-line 2D seismic surveys. Stratimagic automated classification methods are used in all types of geological settings, from drilling risk analysis (geohazards) up to 4D projects. As Stratimagic’s primary classification scheme, NNT creates a proven foundation for recovering “hierarchal structure” from seismic data. The result is more meaningful geologic interpretation. NNT inversion transforms seismic data and attributes into a log property volume. And with the Paradigm Seismic Propagator, you can accurately track horizons that define an interval of interest, a process required for classification, leading to rapid and precise results. Seismic Attribute Add-on Modules:
- Over 20 seismic attributes computed from the “complex” seismic trace
- Four directional and illumination attributes (dip, azimuth, volume curvature and Lightscape™)
- Coherence Cube® (a registered trademark of Core Labs)
- Spectral decomposition
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