Production Engineering Software

Production Engineering in the oil and gas industry is to monitor and evaluate the well and field production efficiency. Oil and gas companies have developed methods to improve oil production by enhancing drilling technologies and lifting methods. One of Production Engineer’s responsibility is to design and select lifting equipment that will get newly drilled well into oil and gas production.

Xtree Schematic MS Office 32 Bit
0 reviews

OiL Well head schematic A complete system for building a land based Well Head with a library of hi-resolution Drilling Spools, Flanges, Valves and Chokes, simply click on a component and drag it into place on your Well Head Sketch. Options to Print or Export the Graphic to your well file for futur ...
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Tubular Database MS Office 32 Bit
0 reviews

The Tubular Database give you reference to over 4100 different joints of pipe The Tubular Database includes all pipe sizes and grades from 48 inch down to 1.05 inch tubulars.The database includes pipe sizes from 48″ to 1.05″Once the casing or tubing is selected you have full data regarding weight o ...
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Xtree Graphic 32 Bit
0 reviews

Build a hi-resolution graphic of any land based well head design Flanges,chokes, valves, tibing spoo;s, casing spools, Braden Head, crosses and much more can be selected from the well head library

ESP Completions 32 Bit
0 reviews

The program is designed for both the man in the field and \workover office coordinator Registers the depth of each piece of down hole equipment Serial Numbers, Pump Ratings, completion depth of motors manufacturers data on all pump units

Well Head Flanges 32 Bit
0 reviews

The Electronic Flange Slide Rule replaces the old Cameron cardboard slide rule Well Head Flanges, drilling spools, braden head, flange sizes, pressure rating, number of bolt and make up torque, Ring Gasket number

Gas Lift Mandrel Spacing 32 Bit
0 reviews

Calculate the required position in the tubing string where the GLM should be placed Option to selecttubing measured and picked up or tubing stood back in the derrick. The program handles up to 10 GLMs

Rod Pump Completions 32 Bit
0 reviews

This version is specifically designed for Rod Pump Completions The program has an extensive library of Hi-resolution graphics A completion schematic template to build a professional well sketch

Tank Volumes Flow Rates Calculator 32 Bit
0 reviews

Volumes and flow rates, partial volumes, tank strap charts Round Vertical tanks, Square tanks and Horizontal Round tanks Any size tank or vessel from a coffee cup, dope bucket to a million Bbl tank

Tubing Movement Calculations 32 Bit
0 reviews

Calculates all the API tubing movement parameters Elongation and expansion due to temperature effect, Stretch - Ballooning - Buckling - Piston effect - BHT chart Force calculations, Length change calculations

Tubing Tally 32 Bit
0 reviews

Not just another simple tally spreadshee Tubing Tally is complete with BHA add in, KB Correction Includes a well bore completion schematic to produce professional well completion sketches
