Search for indexed Techlog data and load them in Petrel
Search for Techlog data from Find. Display found Techlog wells "in context" with the Petrel model in the 2D/3D window. Load Techlog data directly from Find (in "Silent mode") or use the Techlog Connector window to resolve errors and warnings and ensure data integrity.
Plug-in Overview
The Techlog Connector for Studio enables data exchange between Petrel and Techlog. It promotes collaboration and understanding of both the borehole and reservoir by sharing interpretation data across domains. It enhances collaboration by integrating with Find, allowing quick search and "in-context" display of wells across many Techlog projects in Petrel.
Geoscientists can collaborate on borehole and reservoir interpretations by enabling the user to bring borehole-centric computed results, along with formation dip results and processed borehole images to the Petrel environment. Stratigraphic markers interpretations can be shared from Petrel to Techlog. Data selection options and improved performance provide efficient data transfer workflows.