SCAL is a tool to help engineers effectively use laboratory-derived relative permeability and capillary pressure measurements in reservoir simulation.
The program has facilities to:
The output consists of a series of INCLUDE files, for both the PROPS and REGIONS sections.
The program is a Windows-type program. It runs on both PC and UNIX workstations, and makes use of GUI facilities such as drag-and-drop and 3D visualization.
A major goal of SCAL is to be as open as possible. To this end maximum use is made of the Calculator. The Calculator is a simple programming language with access to program internal variables. It can also issue commands back to the program.
Using the Calculator makes it possible for you to implement algorithms which are not provided as standard in the program (company confidential algorithms, for instance).
By using SCAL, you are able to make more systematic use of the special core analysis data available to you. This should improve the results of reservoir simulation.