studioSL is Streamsim's general reservoir simulation environment. studioSL is Java-based meaning that we support both Windows and Linux, 32/64-bit O/S's. studioSL is based on Sun's NetBeans development environment, leveraging common tasks such as editors, browsing, auto-update, etc. FeaturesAll the major workflows that we develop are accessible within studioSL. These include:
Reservoir Surveillance
Flow Simulation
Streamline Export
Sensitivity Runs
History Matching
Flood Management
studioSL works with our simulator 3DSL, however simulation results from Eclipse, PSim, Powers, and GPRS can also be visualized. 2D Plotting of Simulation Results
field and well-level responses
rates or cumulatives
injector pattern efficiency plot
easily shuffle through multiple wells
undock, tile or cascade view of multiple plots
compare multiple runs on the same plot
export a plot's data to Excel
save as a picture or image export to MSOffice, OpenOffice