Delayed coking is a key process used in many refineries to convert residual streams to more commercially viable products. Delayed cokers present numerous unique operational and safety challenges not faced in other process units. How do feedstock quality changes affect liquid product yields? Coke properties? Coke drum fill times? Coker furnace fouling and run lengths? From an operational perspective, what is the impact on product yields and qualities of changes in drum operating pressures? Temperatures? Recycles rates? Fractionator conditions? By allowing you to predict coker yields and product qualities for all your feedstock possibilities, coke drum operating conditions, and recycle rate options, DC-SIM enables you to answer these and many other important questions to enable you to operate this unit more effectively and safely.
DC-SIM, proven through decades of use by refiners worldwide, allows you to model the impacts of a variety of different feedstocks such as atmospheric residuals, vacuum residuals, or FCC slurry. The simulation includes the furnace, drums, main fractionator, and the drum vapour quenching system. Cycle time (drum fill time) and resulting coke qualities are predicted.