Apprentice is a PC based oil & gas reservoir mapping and characterization system. The system includes visualization tools, digitizing tools, and geo-statistical gridding.
Data generated by Apprentice may be exported to the Merlin package and to other commercially available oil and gas reservoir simulators. Data may also be imported into Apprentice in any XY spreadsheet format or from various other mapping software packages to allow easy integration into Merlin.
Apprentice allows the user to generate custom maps to graphically view the map data and identify problem areas. See visually if fault blocks are leaking between regions, and adjust fault lines by simply dragging points across the screen.
Our Kriging algorithm automatically interpolates well modeling data from the gridded cells with user defined parameters such as correlation length and data distribution.
Calculate in place oil and gas volumes by inputting the reservoir parameters such as oil, gas, and water contacts, net and gross thickness values, and pressure and saturation data.
Digitize paper maps and map image files using a mouse or digitizing tablet. Automatically import map data from XY coordinates Interpolate geological conditions with advanced Kriging algorithms Digitize map layers for depth, net thickness, gross thickness, custom fault blocks, and more User friendly working environment for fundamental engineering geoscience tasks, and cost-effectiveness.
Automatically import map data from other simulators or spreadsheets using the Apprentice Data Wizard Visualize underground structures with custom user defined maps Full Integration with the Merlin reservoir simulator and Avalon nodal analysis package