Geostatistical Simulation and Optimization for the Mining Industry
Geostatistical Simulation
Postprocessing and Optimization
The Place for Pangeos
There is a number of general mine planning (GMP) software packages on the market. GMP software is well-suited to data management, conventional geologic modeling, visualization, and mine planning tasks. There is a number of specialized geostatistics software packages on the market; however, there are no geostatistical software packages that provide a satisfactory solution to the problems of (1) reliably generating geostatistical realizations of multiple variables within multiple rock types, and (2) providing optimized solutions to reserve estimation and grade control in presence of uncertainty quantified by multiple geostatistical realizations. Pangeos meets the need for focused mining geosta- tistics simulation and optimization software.
Data Analysis
The necessary plots and graphics for understanding your data and validating your model including:
Variogram Calculation and Fitting
The required tools to calculate and fit variograms:
Model postprocessing and checking:
Preprocessing Tools
The required tools to prepare data for simulation:
Geostatistical modeling
Essential 3D model building tools including cross vali- dation:
Grade Control
The tools for optimizing dig limits including: